About Rainbow

About me

My name is Fabienne, I come from Switzerland. Already as child I felt the intention to support people with special needs. That’s the reason I studied Social Work. Since 2007 I have been working in the social sector. 2013 I finished my studies and worked in different non-profit institutions with different kind of disabled people. In 2015 i continued my education in leadership and worked as leader in a social Institution for adult people with mental and physical disabilities. I am greatful to have had this opportunity, it helped me to know myself in a deeper way, my potentials, my limits. All that opened me new ways.

The wish to travel the World i suppressed. I was focused on study and work. An accident in 2019, helped me to change my daily life. In 2020 I decided to give up my job and to follow the feelings of my heart and started travelling.

“NoOne KnOws ToMorrOw” – Life can change!


During travelling in Tanzania, I could see so many people struggling to get their daily basic needs. I tried my best, to donate as much as my limited travelling-budget could allowe me. Twice i got donations from Switzerland which helped me to build a school in Daressalam and to support various other projects, like education for Masai-girls, circumcision, support for elder people and for people with mental disabilities. My wish to support and sustain more became bigger, as longer as I stayed in Tanzania.

While travelling i met many different people, many of them wanted to do tusiness with me, but i wasn’t looking for it. However, the idea of investing in a tourist boat made sense to me.

While tourists in Tanzania are having fun and spending money for leisure, the locals are looking for small money to feed themselves. So i was asking myself, why not to change this sad fact with Tours and Safaris.

Why Rainbow

The Childrenstory about the Rainbow-fish offers a number of philosophical topics for discussions, about nature, sharing, beauty and happiness. The meaning of the Rainbow-fish story inspired me. I was thinking about the nature of happiness and the good life: How happiness relates to sharing, beauty, friendship, and feelings? Can one be happy and friendless? Can one be happy without being beautiful?

So i asked myself, can tourists be happy – while locals are struggling with live?

With Rainbow I want to contribute a small part to a better world – 35% of the win I donate for social Projects (more Information under “Donations”). After refinancing the initial investment of my social buisness, i want to contribute the major part of the income to social projects in Tanzania.

The story from the Rainbowfish

In the beginning, the most beautiful fish in the ocean does not want to share one of his shining scales with a little blue fish.

All the other fish in the sea ignore him after this and he does not understand why.

He goes to the wise octopus for advice, and it tells him to give away his scales.

Rainbow Fish reluctantly gives away all his scales, excepting one.

In the end, he is less beautiful than he was before, but he has new friends and is now the happiest fish in the sea.

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